They Don't Pay? We Won't Pay! Credit to Pamela Raith

They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay! Review – Mercury Theatre

I was invited to the press night of the Theatre production ‘They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay!’ at Colchester’s Mercury Theatre. A hilarious show which mixes political satire with brilliant comedy, plot twists and quick witted dialogue. It is showing at the Mercury Theatre until 31st March 2023.

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So what is the They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay! Theatre Production all about? Read our review and find out everything you need to know about the show!

They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay! is Deborah McAndrews’ adaptation of Dario Fo and Franca Rame’s ‘Sotto Paga? Non Si Paga!’ which was originally written and titled in Italian.

We meet Anthea who is a women on the edge, out of work, struggling to pay her bills and having to decide between food or fuel, which is a stark reflection on society today. We see her life lose control when she is mixed up with a looting in a local supermarket. People are sick and tired of the constant rising costs and decide to take matters into their own hands. Weighed down with groceries, Anthea recruits her best friend Maggie to help hide the loot from her husband, their lives turn into complete chaos with hilarious effect.

When the police turn up to search the block of flats, they have to come up a plan, the excuses that follow all have consequences and one thing leads to another. This is an exciting fast paced play that shows the lengths people will go to when they are under pressure.

The performance had everyone laughing and clapping throughout and we thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. It ends with a powerful message about the cost of living crisis and no doubt many people in the UK can empathise with this situation.

They Don't Pay? We Won't Pay! theatre show at colchester Mercury Theatre
Credit to Pamela Raith

The Characters

The small cast of 5 were outstanding with their quick witted dialogue, cheeky one liners to the audience and a good amount of slap stick comedy. They absolutely nailed this performance with the whole audience erupting with laughter and applauding throughout.
You couldn’t help but warm to Anthea and the Police Constable played by Marc Pickering (who also played the Police Sergeant, Store Manager, Undertaker, Pops & the Postman) stole the show for me. He really was fantastic! The comedy element was just amazing.

My thoughts on the show

This show was brilliant, an outrageously funny, laugh out loud production delivering a powerful message about the cost of living crisis. It was complete chaos and utterly brilliant. Expect to be entertained and your cheeks to hurt from laughing!
Showing at the Mercury Theatre in Colchester until 31st March… it’s a must see show! Check it out.

Everything you need to know to book tickets for They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay! Theatre show:

Meet The Cast & Team
  • Joseph Alessi – Jack
  • Laura Doddington – Anthea
  • Tesni Kujore – Maggie
  • Jack Shalloo – Lewis
  • Marc Pickering – Constable/Sergeant/Undertaker/Pops/Postman
Dates and booking details:
What is the expected running time?

The show is 2 hours long with a 20 minute interval.

I was invited to the press night of They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay! but all thoughts and opinions are strictly my own.

They Don't Pay? We Won't Pay! Theatre Programme, a play in essex

Read another of our reviews The Bodyguard Musical.

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